Happy Friday and Happy September
Great to be back after a wonderful holiday and time out with my family.
I wanted to share this powerful and vibrant visual today by the wonderful Lisa Steward. One of my favourite quotes which has been instrumental for me personally since I founded Arch inspire.
I listened to the High Performance podcast again with Simon Sinek this week and it was a reminder of how working with a team maximises high performance as opposed to trying to achieve it alone. It also reminded me of the importance of continually recognising and thanking those who help you and lift you higher.
This week I want to thank the following people Suzie Fhlor, Kate Oakley Lisa Steward, my family, friends and clients for all their offers of help and a wonderful new client for their understanding this week. I've had a rocky return with 4 days of chronic back pain after moving furniture at the weekend (with an existing lower back issue). It’s been excruciating at points this week and whilst I’ve managed to do a number of virtual meetings standing it’s been a really hard week managing my work and also the return to school. In times gone by I would not have shared this openly for some reason, perhaps not wanting to share a weakness or admitting something wasn’t right but it’s been a real wake-up call for me that our health is the most important thing we have and we have to look after it. My brilliant physio Suzie came to the rescue last night and with a treatment plan in place now and I am confident I will be back to fighting fit soon. It’s also touching to realise that people really care and people really want to help you if you let them in.
Have a great weekend and look after your health.... always.