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Our search for meaning

Happy Friday,

I'm sharing a book recommendation with you today. I've been wanting to read 'Man's Search For Meaning' by Viktor Frankl for a long time now. It is referred to and referenced in so many books I have read over the last 5 years, at last I have read it.

I've read many books on the Holocaust which have shocked me to the core in terms of the extent of human suffering and also the extent that humans will go to to inflict suffering on others. The books I've read have also made me reflect on the sheer strength and resilience of humans to endure and survive the very worst of life.

Viktor recounts his and others experiences in the concentration camps of World War II and the school of therapy he founded to help us confront the question ' How can we ensure our lives have meaning'. What resonated for me was his focus on the psychology of the camp prisoners and how their mind-set and response to situations determined how strong they could remain against all the odds.

He shares the psychological journey prisoners went through in terms of entering the camp, becoming entrenched in the camp and their release and liberation.

Finding meaning in our lives is crucial if we want to achieve a life well-lived. Viktor teaches us that not only is there value in our search for meaning, but it is our duty to find this meaning for ourselves and pursue it.

For me this book epitomises the meaning of strength, resilience and hope. It's a really hard read in parts but also an incredibly valuable one.

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