Happy Friday,
I received this from a client this week after their third coaching session.
I can’t thank you enough, after each session I reflect on what we’ve discussed, and I am amazed at how far I’ve come. Your work really does make a difference to people’s lives - thank you.
These words have really touched me and I have thought about them a lot since. Saying thank you means so much and takes a matter of seconds. I shared a post around a year ago to challenge ourselves to stop and say thank you more to those who make a difference to our lives. When I read the above words back, I feel just some of the following:
Pride, happiness, a sense of fulfilment and achievement, purposeful, respected, valued and warm inside.
Just two sentences evoked all those feelings, thoughts and emotions.
Take a few seconds today to thank those people who make a difference to your life whether it be professionally, personally or both. It also feels good to say thank you to someone and it costs nothing.
Gratitude is the simplest, most powerful way to acknowledge another person's value and humanity.