Happy Friday,
I wanted to share this brilliant picture on a rainy Friday that my coaching client gave me as a gift. I’ve known her for a year now and she's also done some brilliant work for Arch inspire.
I’ve been focusing on values closely over the last few weeks with:
*new and existing coaching clients
*a new leadership team and
*a close friend
This picture sums me up so well across my work and my life. My core values are integrity, honesty, responsibility, kindness and challenge. When I received this picture it helped re-affirm my core values and who I am as a person, as well as the things that I love to do.
It brought a real smile to my face and is now framed and in my study. It also confirms to me that my client has grown to understand who I am to her as her coach.
If you’d like to find out more about the work I do with individuals and teams to identify, explore, clarify and align personal values and company values, I’d love to hear from you.
A client shared with me just this week, that as a result of a discussion we had on values in a recent session, it has helped them see why one of their identified values is so key for them and the impact and effect someone cutting across this value has for them in the past. It has also highlighted for them living in tune with this value is now a non-negotiable.
Thank you Lisa Steward for your creativity, talent, kindness and all round awesomeness (and for your permission to share this).
Have a great weekend ahead, stay safe and find some puddles to jump in. ☔️
