Happy Friday,
A book recommendation today; given it is also Mental Health Awareness week. I brought this for my daughter and I to read. It's written by Doctor Alex George who is the UK Youth Mental Health Ambassador within the Department of Education. Having lost his younger brother to suicide, Alex launched a campaign in 2021 requesting the UK Government to prioritise mental health for children and adolescents, particularly in light of the impact of the pandemic.
'A Better Day' is packed full of useful tools and techniques to help young people look after their mental health, it also focuses on how exercise, diet, creativity and mindfulness can support overall positivity. Even though this book is aimed for children aged around 10 upwards there is so much in it that will help adults and parents. It's easy to read and is presented brilliantly - I only wish there had been a book like this for me to read when I was younger - it would have made a huge difference to me. Many of the themes also touch on topics I help my coaching clients with: confidence, stress, self-care, mind-set and resilience.
It's definitely worth a purchase.
Have a super weekend ahead.
