Happy 1st May
Today marks 6 weeks of lockdown for many of us (I appreciate longer for others) if anyone had told me at the start of 2020 that I would have spent the length of the school summer holidays at home with Amy, Alfie, Charlie and Phil every day, I'd have honestly said - 'No way'! However we have in order to protect our front line. I feel proud as a family that we are playing our part.
I felt optimistic as I watched the Government briefing last night and woke today feeling really hopeful. I've attended 2 fabulous webinars this week and gratitude has come up as a common theme which is helping us get though this time. Today I urge you to take a few minutes to do this.
Simply write GRATITUTE in the centre of a piece of paper and write the words that come to your mind around it. I've realised over the last 6 weeks that I've so much more to be grateful for than I ever realised. Here's my summarised list to help: MY GRATITUDE LIST *Our NHS *Our frontline workers *My whole family *My niece for helping us with the children's learning *My friends *My clients *My network
*Neighbours *Nature *Sun/Rain *Exercise *Technology *Adapting to learning new skills *My mentors *My childrens’ resilience *My health *My home *My resilience