I wanted to share 3 key tips to help you face, embrace and lead change in the New Year that I have helped my clients implement this year.
1) Acknowledge and celebrate key successes and milestones - I remind my clients to continually do this as a matter of course and particularly during times of change. It ensures that you and others feel valued and supported. Focus on what you have achieved as opposed to only focusing on what you haven't.
2) Keep a reservoir of resilience - keep a folder of positive feedback from others. Like a reservoir, keep it topped up and keep adding to it. When you are going through change, resilience helps greatly - reminding yourself of your key strengths/achievements gives you the belief and confidence to succeed.
3) Set yourself actions with time-scales to help track and monitor your progress through change and review these continually - One of my greatest achievements in 2019 was running the London Marathon, the training required mental and physical change for me. I kept a training plan with specific actions and timescales, which kept me focused, motivated and helped me breakdown what I needed to achieve each day, week and month as opposed to over-thinking on day 1 how I would run 26.2 miles!
Have a super relaxing break! See you in 2020.