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Happy Easter and a little reminder

Happy 1st April! 🌻

Just a little reminder to continue to focus on that circle of control. The response I've had from Fridays post has been staggering - so many messages of thanks and people asking for the simple template I use (if you want one just private message me) or you can also easily draw and complete your own. One of my control elements 'exercise' has been somewhat limited as I've trapped a nerve in my back - impeccable timing! However I've still been able to focus on a lot of my control circle - some examples below, which may help you to consider professionally and personally.

*Keeping in touch with your clients to simply ask how they are and to offer help and support

*Moving my Emotional Intelligence practitioner accreditation to a virtual course in May so I can qualify and use this to support clients during and after this period

*Supporting and checking in with your network/coaching and consulting colleagues *Offering to pick up groceries for neighbours

*Creating a weekly photo collage of what the children are doing - (I'll be making mine into a photo book that we can look back on to remember this time and what we learnt)

*Having virtual calls with clients/friends/family to simply lift spirits. Stay home, stay safe


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