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Your Reservoir of Resilience

Happy Friday,

Todays focus is on the importance of building a 'Reservoir of Resilience'. I am currently reading Nelson Mandela's - 'Long Walk to Freedom' and this quote really resonated with me this week.

When I work with clients to develop their confidence, we focus on identifying their key strengths and skills to help remind them what they are truly capable of. We also focus on resilience to help us find the confidence and courage when we want to grow, develop and achieve new things. Identifying how capable and strong we have been in the past reminds us of the resources we have to achieve and overcome new experiences or challenges. Basically the fuller your Resilience Reservoir the more inner resources you have to help you achieve.

My mentor shared with me years ago, the power of having a reservoir of resilience (an ROR) - I've used it ever since. We know that a reservoir needs water to keep it full and in the same way creating your ROR requires you to keep filling it with resources, evidence, feedback and examples of what you are capable of, which you can then draw on when you want to feel, think and act confidently.

My Call to Action this week:

1- Create a ROR folder (an on-line folder in your email is quick and easy way to do this).

2- Fill it with any of the following: great feedback from clients, recommendations, thanks for great work you have done, testimonials, endorsements etc.

3- Keep filling it and drawing on it regularly, the key is to keep it topped up!

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