Happy Friday!
Lisa Steward my brilliant designer kindly bound 'The Arch inspire 5C's 2024 Rainbow Collection' for me as part of a Christmas gift she sent me. It was a wonderful gift which has made me realise all the work that has gone into these guides and how proud I am of them. They have helped not only my clients but so many other people who have received them by me, my clients and my wider network.
I am giving each of my new Arch inspire 5C's coaching programme clients a copy of this book as part of their coaching welcome pack this year. I refer to and use so many of the tools and templates in my work, that I thought it was a great idea to share these guides with my clients at outset.
You can also download them as PDF's directly from here or through my website in the blog section. www.archinspire.co.uk.
Here is a reminder of the 10 guides:
1) Your Values
2) The Iceberg of behaviours
3) Discovering your A.S.K
4) Empowering your communication
5) Building and harnessing your resilience
6) Practicing gratitude
7) Leading and managing yourself and others through change
8) Developing your assertiveness agility
9) Giving and receiving feedback
10) The Rainbow Edition - a summary of the key learnings and tools in one place
Thank you for the great feedback I have had from the guides and for using and sharing them - please keep doing so. My biggest thanks goes to the supremely talented Lisa Steward of Zero Five who is an absolute joy to work with. It is great to be working with you again this year!
Have a great weekend ahead.
